When you think of the important, must-have attributes of a shower, what comes to mind? Maybe style, comfort, a certain material, or a cool feature like steam capabilities or radiant heat coursing through the floors (warm feet are important).
These are all awesome considerations, but there’s another important component of shower design that needs to be kept in mind: safety.
This might be more of a factor for some than others, but especially when you have an elderly family member in your home, creating a safe environment is of paramount importance. That is why we were so happy to recently be involved in a bathroom remodel that made life a little easier for a special elderly citizen in Nipomo.
Safety First (and Safety Never Looked so Good!)
This particular client needed a little help with the process of creating an attractive bathroom that also offered more ease of use for her mother. The bathroom, as we found it, looked like this:

The goal was to create a zero-threshold shower, meaning that there is absolutely no lip to step over as you enter. Unfortunately, however, this involves cutting into the actual slab foundation, adding cost because of the additional labor involved.
We were able to avoid the extra expense by simply including a 1” threshold. The difference is negligible (especially compared with navigating over the original tub), and it kept the project right on budget.
So, how did it turn out? Take a look!

Are You Looking for a Professional Bathroom Remodeler?
We truly enjoyed getting to know these wonderful people during the course of this remodel. They were kind, gracious, and a joy to serve.
If you have questions about a project you have in mind, why not give us a call at New Life Bath and Kitchen? It would be our pleasure to help you however we can!